FeedBurner How do I set up To My Blog
03 Desember, 2011
FeedBurner How do I set up To My Blog
Hai, guys today Dwijayasblog will tell you how do Dwijayas blog set up for FeedBurner, and the step are:
1. First step : Chicklet Chooser
Promote your FeedBurner feed directly on your website! Place HTML that Chicklet Chooser automatically generates for you in your site templates to help users easily subscribe to your feed.
Choose the new standard feed icon:
Or use a custom icon from popular web aggregators:
Or showcase your devotion to all things FeedBurner (and, thank you!):
Use as a widget in

If you need more help, just go here or to FeedBurner Blog.
2. Second step: Email Subscriptions
Give your biggest fans another way to keep up with your blog or podcast feed by placing an email subscription form on your site.
Subscription Management
Subscription Form Code
Select which language you want to use in the window that appears when a potential email subscriber signs up. The selection you make immediately modifies the code to copy and paste below. There are seven languages for you to choose.
You can also offer email subscriptions from a link rather than a form. Just copy the following link code. Users who click it will be prompted to enter their email address in the form that appears. Subscriber will be direct to mailverify.
Preview as follow:
Don’t forget to checked the Send me an email whenever people unsubscribe (will be sent to your "from" address) box to show you total subscriber.
Use as a widget in
and then click
to have your email subscriptions.

If you need more help, just go here or to FeedBurner Blog.
3. Thrid step: FeedCount
FeedCount is another cool way to promote your feed. It is a dynamic graphic that always displays your feed's current circulation, as calculated by FeedBurner. Choose its color scheme and an animated or static appearance; it is yours to customize!
You can regenerate the FeedCount chicklet as many times as you would like. When you are done, copy the HTML provided and
paste it into your own page templates. You can always come back to this page to change it later.
paste it into your own page templates. You can always come back to this page to change it later.
Use as a widget in
and then click
to have your FeedCount.

If you need more help, just go here or to FeedBurner Blog.
That's all folks. It's all Dwijayasblog could tell you about how to set up FeedBurner in blog.
If you have another way to set it up, please don't hesitate to share it.
That's all folks. It's all Dwijayasblog could tell you about how to set up FeedBurner in blog.
If you have another way to set it up, please don't hesitate to share it.